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Park Rules

Holiday Home Owners & Seasonal Pitches

These Park Rules are in place for the good management of our park and the benefit of all who use it. These rules form part of the Licence Agreement that is the contract between ‘us’ and yourself for your occupation of a pitch on the Park. They should be read alongside your Licence Agreement. The Park Rules do not affect anything to which you are entitled under the terms of your Licence Agreement.

  • The Expression ‘you’/‘your’ means the Caravan owner and/or occupier.
  • The Expression ‘we’/‘us’/‘our’/‘the park’ refers to the park owner and/or manager and/or staff.
  • The Expression ‘written permission’ means that you must obtain written permission from Reception before carrying out any works.

You must make sure that anyone using the Park is aware of the Park Rules.

The rules set out below are the Park Rules referred to in your Licence Agreement. You are reminded that breach of these rules is a breach of your Licence Agreement and could result in termination of the Licence Agreement.

  • You must use the Park safely and should not cause danger to others.
  • You must obey all health and safety notices displayed on the park and act on the reasonable instructions of park staff in matters of health and safety.
Fire precautions
  • You must ensure all occupants of your unit are familiar with the location of the Fire Points and the contents of the Fire Notices displayed at each point.
  • You must not store fuels or combustible materials on the Park.
  • Every endeavour should be made to respect the privacy of others on the park.
  • Please use the roads and paths to gain access to other areas of the park.
  • Do not take shortcuts between pitches including holiday home pitches.
  • You are solely responsible for securing your accommodation.
  • You may only use alarms of the silent, monitored type and not audible alarms.
  • If you see anyone acting suspiciously around the Park, or if you see someone you know should not be on the Park, please inform a member of staff straight away.

Is in operation for the safety and security of our staff and guests. If anyone uses their own CCTV it may only capture images of the area immediately around your Caravan not of any other part of the Park, such as any path or road, or any other Caravan or its pitch and the area immediately around it.

  • Other than a member of our team, the use of drones on the Park or any land owned by ‘the Park’, is not permitted in accordance with the Drone Code issued by the Civil Aviation Authority.
  • Drones must not take off or land, on land owned by ‘the Park’ and must not be flown within 50 metres of people, vehicles or buildings.
  • We regularly take photographs and videos for promotional purposes and we occasionally receive requests from third parties to film on the park. Should you not wish to appear in any material, please pay attention to the notices we put up when pictures are being taken.
  • Photography is prohibited in wash blocks.
  • Where others may reasonably expect privacy, you must obtain their agreement before taking a photograph in which they are identifiable e.g., when they are in accommodation or on a pitch.
  • Wi-Fi is very restricted due to our rural location and is not for streaming. The service may not be the same as you are used to at home.
  • By accessing the Wireless network, you acknowledge that you’re of legal age. The wireless network service is provided by the property owners and is completely at their discretion. Your access to the network may be blocked, suspended, or terminated at any time for any reason.
  • You agree not to use the wireless network for any purpose that is unlawful and take full responsibility of your acts. The wireless network is provided without warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied.
Good behaviour and noise
  • Guests and visitors are expected to behave in a reasonable manner with consideration to other guests.
  • Noise of all kinds must be kept to a reasonable level especially between 10:00pm-9:00am.
  • If returning to the Park from the pub or elsewhere, please do so quietly. Voices travel loud and far in a quiet environment. Please also refrain from banging vehicle doors.
  • Foul or abusive language will not be tolerated. Language and behaviour should be suitable for all ages at all times.
  • Please do not spoil the holiday of others by selfish behaviour.
  • We reserve the right to ask someone to leave immediately who is causing disturbance, offensive or threatening behaviour towards staff or other guests or our local community.
  • Please do respect our surroundings we have been asked to discourage windchimes – the continuous sound of the clanking/tinkling of chimes is very annoying to other guests who are expecting to enjoy peace and quiet.
  • Do not use LED lighting for decoration purposes outside your holiday home, discrete solar lighting can be used but should be switched off when you are not using your holiday home – the continuous use of excessive outdoor lighting is harmful to wildlife and annoying to guests looking for the ‘dark zone’ that the Park offers in open countryside.
  • Please do not discard weeds, dead plants or drop litter on the Park. Please dispose of items correctly.
Permitted number of occupiers

Your holiday home may not be used for sleeping a number of persons greater than the ‘maximum sleeping capacity’ stipulated in your Licence Agreement; if no number is stipulated then it may not be used for sleeping a number of persons greater than the number of which it was designed for.


Sub-letting (renting out) of your accommodation is strictly forbidden.

Visitors to the Park
  • All visitors must report to reception and must be pre-booked in with Reception prior to their arrival. Only people lawfully visiting with our permission, have permission to enter the Park.
  • It is your responsibility to ensure that your visitors and occupiers of your accommodation adhere to the Park Rules.
  • All guests must ensure that any visitor (including a delivery driver) parks only in a permitted space, to drive carefully and observes the speed limit. Caravan owners and holidaymakers are responsible for e.g. anyone visiting the Park and you may be asked to give them appropriate instructions such as where they may park.
Use of Toilet Block

Static holiday home Owners/Occupiers are NOT PERMITTED to use the toilet/shower facilities situated in the toilet blocks. (This does not relate to the seasonal tourers).

Ejection on grounds of behaviour
  • In the event of persistent or serious misconduct by you, a member of your family, your occupiers, visitors or guests, we will follow any relevant notice procedures in our agreement with you.
  • We do not have to follow any formal procedure to eject other visitors.
Condition of the holiday home/seasonal tourer
  • You must not change the colour of the exterior of the Caravan without prior ‘written permission’.
  • You are responsible for ensuring that your unit has valid and current insurance (a quote can be obtained from reception).
  • Keep equipment in/on your holiday home in good order and to have appliances serviced as recommended by the manufacturer.
  • Holiday homes must be kept in a sound and clean condition and maintained to the high standard of the park. No alteration or addition is permitted without ‘written permission’. If a caravan/pitch is deemed by ‘The Park’ to be in an untidy or poor condition notice may be given to charge the holiday home owner for the work(s) required.
  • You can only carry out any work to your caravan or on your pitch with our prior ‘written permission’. We will only refuse our consent to such works if we think that we have a good reason to do so. If we refuse consent, we will tell you our reason(s).
  • The external area of the holiday home and the decking should be washed once a year.
Your pitch
  • Pitch Tidiness: You are responsible for keeping the area that your holiday home occupies, known as the ‘Pitch’, clean and tidy at all times i.e. free from weeds OR disused items.
  • No items to be kept under the holiday home.
  • You must obtain ‘written permission’ before doing any work around your pitch, i.e. planting of shrubs or tree, pots, slabs, erecting trellis, balcony, decking, gazebos.
  • Patio heaters, fencing, artificial grass, flags and statues are not permitted. If you are unsure, PLEASE CHECK WITH RECEPTION.
  • Do not place slabs, pots, solar lights or other items on the grass.
  • Only one storage box per pitch in dark green not of a wooden structure.
  • We do not permit the erection of fences or any means of enclosure of your ‘pitch’.
Trees, shrubs, digging
  • You must not cut any trees, shrubs or hedges on the Park. If you find any tree or hedge a nuisance or unsatisfactory you should take the matter up with us; do not deal with it yourself.
  • You must not climb any trees. You must not dig any holes on the Park.
  • No lopping, felling, damage or removal of shrubs, trees or any other plants on the Park.
  • If you wish to plant any tree or shrub, before planting you must obtain ‘written permission’, once planted – it then becomes the property of ‘the Park’ and cannot be removed at a later date.
  • You must not tie, hang or fit anything to or in any trees or shrubs without our ‘written permission’ (which we will not withhold unreasonably, where the tie is a means of support for any tree or shrub which you have planted with our agreement).
Washing and washing lines
  • You may only use a washing line of the rotary type or the windowsill type and must remove them and store them out of sight immediately after use.
  • Do not drape washing over windowsills of your unit or hand rails of your decking.
  • The temporary use of a washing line must not be placed to cause an inconvenience to other holiday home owners or to the daily operation of the park.
Park Improvements

You may find development work ongoing in certain areas of the Park and maintenance work being undertaken which may be near your accommodation.

Washing machines/dishwashers/tumble dryers

Are only permitted in holiday homes that originally came installed direct from the Manufacture of the holiday home, and not to be installed inside or outside of the holiday home at a later date unless ‘written permission’ is given.

End of season – holiday homeowners
  • It is your responsibility to drain down and prepare the holiday home for the closed Season.
  • You must ensure gas and water connections are switched off throughout the closed season.
  • During the closed season we recommend that the curtains of your holiday home are drawn back, and all items of value are removed.
  • If you intend to visit your holiday home during the closed period, please ring reception at least 48 hours before and you will be advised if you are able to visit or not.
Sale of static holiday homes
  • Holiday home owners wishing to sell their Static Holiday Homes must notify the Management in writing of their intention.
  • No unauthorised signs shall be displayed.
Utilities installations: Holiday home owners
  • You must switch off gas and water connections when the accommodation is not occupied.
  • If you experience any problem with the Park’s electrical, gas or water system, you should tell a member of staff immediately. You must not attempt to work on any part of the park’s electrical, gas or water system yourself; this includes any installations on the pitch.
Drainage system

You must not introduce any foreign items via the toilet or sink into the drainage system including cleaning cloths, baby’s nappies, sanitary towels, cooking fat, grease, etc.

Dogs and other pets
  • You must tell us before you visit the Park if you plan to bring any pet or animal and to answer any reasonable question about them and their suitability for our Park environment. We do not allow any dangerous breeds as per the Dangerous Dog Act 1991. If we are not satisfied that the pet or animal is suitable for our park environment, we may tell you that you cannot bring them. This is because we cannot allow the safety of others to be put at risk.
  • Any pet or animal you bring must be supervised and under control by you, or a responsible adult in your party, and kept on a short lead at all times do not use extendable leads on the Park. You may not leave any pet or animal unsupervised in your holiday home or anywhere else on the park at any time, apart from small pets which live in cages, aquarium or similar and which may be left safely for short periods. Nor may you leave any pet or animal under the supervision of any person aged under 18. These rules apply even if the pet or animal knows the park well and you believe them to be well-behaved. No liability can be accepted for damage or injury caused by them.
  • If you do not supervise and control any pet or animal, we are likely to ask you to remove it from the park straight away. Depending on the circumstances, you may not be allowed to bring it back on to the Park or may only be allowed to do so with our ‘written permission’, which we would not withhold once our reasonable concerns have been addressed. This is because we cannot allow the safety of others on the Park to be put at risk.
  • If you see another pet or animal anywhere on the park which does not appear to be supervised or under control of a responsible adult, or whose behaviour gives a cause for concern, please tell a member of staff straight away. Pets must not be allowed to roam freely on the Park.
  • Do not exercise your dog on the Park, please exercise them off the Park.
  • You must clean up if your animal defecates on the park and dispose of correctly.
  • Nothing in these Park Rules prevents you or a member of your party from bringing an assistance dog to the Park, or from using the dog exactly as at home, if this is required to support a disability and Assistance Dogs UK or any successor body has issued an Identification Book or appropriate evidence.
Countryside code

Please follow the Countryside Code, especially:

  • Respect the surrounding countryside, farmland and livestock.
  • Make sure you close all gates behind you.
Refuse and recycling
  • You must not store refuse/waste outside your holiday home.
  • You must use the General Refuse wheelie bins provided-for disposable of general kitchen waste ONLY.
  • You must use the Recycling Wheelie bins provided, these bins are for recycling of plastic, paper, light weight cardboard, aluminium cans – please ensure these items are free of food particles or liquid, do not put recycle items into a black bag, black bags found in a recycling bin is deemed as contamination and all items in that recycle bin will automatically go to landfill site not to a recycling centre.
  • You must use the Glass Recycling bins as provided – glass items only – do not leave tops on or liquid/food in the glass bottles or jars.
  • We will not accept any other items such as scrap metal, mattresses, bedding, furniture, batteries, electrical items large or small and oversized/large packaging – these items must be taken home or to the local Council Refuse Point which is located at Rotherwas, Hereford.
  • The Park accepts no responsibility i.e. damage to caravans, vehicles, awning, due to adverse weather conditions.
  • Take any damaged items home with you, we are not responsible for their disposal.
  • It is illegal to smoke or use e-cigarettes inside enclosed public buildings.
  • If you are found to be smoking in a public building, this would be a serious breach of your contract with us which may lead to you being required to leave the park.
Electric hook up
  • Electricity can be dangerous, especially in damp conditions.
  • You’ll also need to think about the equipment you want to use on the Park. At home you’ll have plenty of sockets and it’s rare to overload them, but on the Park a socket can be easily overloaded.
  • Your mains electrical system in your holiday home should be checked regularly.
  • Keep your electrical equipment in good order and serviced as recommended by the manufacturer. Do not abuse appliances by forcing them to perform in excess of their capability. Damaged or worn cables should be replaced immediately.
  • Check operation of RCD (residual current device) using the test button on a regular base.
  • In the event of a blown fuse or MCB (miniature circuit breaker) trip, switch off the supply and find the cause before resetting MCB. If an appliance malfunctions, switch off supply before removing the appliance for inspection.

Are not permitted on the Park.

BBQs and fire pits
  • Barbeques are allowed if gas or charcoal (not to use wood) and are raised off the ground. Please extinguish completely after use and do not put hot ashes in the bin. Fires and fire-pits are not permitted.
  • Sky Chinese Lanterns and fireworks are not permitted.
Supervision of young people
  • Parents/guardians/carers are responsible to supervise their children at all times. Children under the age of 16 should not be left unsupervised in the accommodation or on the park.
  • E-scooters or Hoverboards and similar ride-ons are not allowed to be used on the Park.
  • Do not allow children to play in the wildlife pool.
  • Seasonal Tourers – an adult must accompany small children to the toilet blocks.
Ball games

The use of hard balls, rugby balls are not permitted on the Park.

Movement of vehicles
  • We permit cars onto the Park for the purposes of access to your accommodation. Accordingly, save to the extent that you may need to do so because of a disability, you must not drive cars around the park for other purposes such as visiting other locations on the Park.
  • We do not permit the use of any non-road legal motorised vehicles e.g E-Scooters, quad bikes, trial bikes, etc (excludes electric mobility scooter).
  • All vehicles on the Park must have a valid MOT, Insurance and Road Tax, and complies fully with the Road Traffic Act.
  • All motoring laws which apply to the highway, also apply on the Park.
  • You must insure all accessories and items towed by vehicles as for use on the public road.
  • You must not keep disused or unroadworthy vehicles anywhere on the park. We reserve the right to remove any vehicle which is apparently abandoned.
  • Please observe the speed limit on the Park is a maximum of 5mph and there is a one-way system.
  • Anyone driving dangerously will be asked to leave.
  • Driving on the park is restricted to the park’s roads
  • You must hold a full current driving licence to drive any vehicle on the park.
  • We do not permit learner drivers on the park.
  • Electric cars cannot be charged at the park by any means, including the use of electricity supply or hook up on your pitch.
  • We operate a security barrier with Automatic Number Plate Recognition. Do not walk under the barrier.
  • Washing of any vehicles is not permitted on the Park
  • Motor vehicle repairs must not be carried out at the park, but a recognised breakdown service may attend in the event of a breakdown.
  • Commercial Vehicles: are not permitted to come onto the Park, this includes supermarket deliveries. All deliveries must be met at the main entrance to the Park.
  • One car per holiday home/pitch, any additional vehicles to be parked in the allocated parking areas and NOT on the grass.
  • Visitors’ cars to be parked in the allocated parking areas (NOT on the grass) and roads must not be obstructed, ask at reception if not sure.
  • All visitors must report to reception before entering the main park.
  • A commercial vehicle/motorhome/touring caravan (storage) is not permitted to remain parked on the Park.
Commercial enterprise of business

Or any such activities are NOT permitted on the ‘Park’ without prior ‘written permission’.

Guns, firearms or any other offensive weapons

Are NOT permitted on the ‘Park’ under any circumstances.

Mail and parcels

You may not use the Park’s address for postal deliveries.

Lost property

For any lost property, please contact the Park Reception as soon as possible as any lost property will be disposed of after one month.

Park staff

All of the Park staff have full authority to enforce any rules and regulations as necessary.